NFC,鏄疦ear Field Communication鐨勮嫳鏂囩緝鍐欙紝鍗寵繎鍦洪氫俊銆傚悓鏃朵篃鍙互縐頒箣涓鴻繎璺濈鏃犵嚎閫氫俊錛屾槸涓縐嶇煭璺濈鐨勯珮棰戞棤綰塊氫俊鎶鏈紝涔熸槸涓縐嶈繎璺濈縐樺瘑鐨勯氳鏂瑰紡錛岄噰鐢∟DEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)榪涜鏁版嵁浼犺緭銆侼FC is the English abbreviation of Near Field Communication, that is, near field communication. At the same time, it can also be called near field communication, which is a short-range high-frequency wireless communication technology and a close-range secret communication method. NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format ) is used for data transmission.
It was jointly developed by Philips Philips and Sony Sony Sony in 2002.
2003騫?2鏈?鏃ラ氳繃ISO/IEC錛圛nternational Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission錛夋満鏋勭殑瀹℃牳鑰屾垚涓哄浗闄呮爣鍑嗐侽n December 8, 2003, it passed the examination of ISO/IEC 錛圛nternational Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission錛塷rganizations and became an international standard.
2004騫?鏈?8鏃ョ敱ECMA錛圗uropean Computer Manufacturers Association錛夎瀹氫負嬈ф床鏍囧噯錛屽凡閫氳繃鐨勬爣鍑嗙紪鍒楁湁ISO/IEC 18092錛圢FCIP-1錛夈丒CMA-340銆丒CMA-352銆丒CMA-356銆丒CMA-362銆両SO/IEC 21481錛圢FCIP-2錛夈?/span>
NFC榪戝満閫氫俊鎶鏈槸鍩轟簬RFID鎶鏈彂灞曡搗鏉ョ殑涓縐嶇煭璺濋珮棰戠殑鏃犵嚎鐢墊妧鏈紝鍏佽鐢?shù)瀛愯畱证囦箣闂礃q涜闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鐐瑰鐐規(guī)暟鎹紶杈擄紝浜ゆ崲鏁版嵁銆備笌RFID涓鏍鳳紝榪戝満閫氫俊淇℃伅涔熸槸閫氳繃棰戣氨涓棤綰塊鐜囬儴鍒嗙殑鐢電鎰熷簲鑰﹀悎鏂瑰紡浼犻掞紝浣嗕袱鑰呬箣闂磋繕鏄瓨鍦ㄥ緢澶х殑鍖哄埆銆傝繎鍦洪氫俊鐨勪紶杈撹寖鍥存瘮RFID灝忥紝RFID鐨勪紶杈撹寖鍥村彲浠ヨ揪鍒?~1m錛屼絾鐢變簬榪戝満閫氫俊閲囧彇浜嗙嫭鐗圭殑淇″彿琛板噺鎶鏈紝鐩稿浜嶳FID鏉ヨ榪戝満閫氫俊鍏鋒湁鎴愭湰浣庛佸甫瀹介珮銆佽兘鑰椾綆絳夌壒鐐廣傚湪13.56MHz棰戠巼榪愯浜?0鍘樼背璺濈鍐呫傚叾浼犺緭閫熷害鏈?06 Kbit/縐掋?12 Kbit/縐掓垨鑰?24 Kbit/縐掍笁縐嶃侼FC near-field communication technology is a short-range and high-frequency radio technology developed based on RFID technology, which allows contactless point-to-point data transmission and data exchange between electronic devices. Like RFID, near-field communication information is also transmitted through electromagnetic induction coupling in the radio frequency part of the spectrum, but there is still a big difference between the two. The transmission range of near-field communication is smaller than that of RFID, and the transmission range of RFID can reach 0~1m. However, due to its unique signal attenuation technology, near-field communication has the characteristics of low cost, high bandwidth and low energy consumption compared with RFID. Operating at a frequency of 13.56MHz within a distance of 20 cm. Its transmission speed is 106 Kbit/ sec, 212 Kbit/ sec or 424 Kbit/ sec.
鍏跺師鐞嗛潪甯哥畝鍗曪紝瀹冨彲浠ラ氳繃涓誨姩涓庤鍔ㄤ袱縐嶆ā寮忎氦鎹㈡暟鎹傚湪琚姩妯″紡涓嬶紝鍚姩榪戝満閫氫俊鐨勮澶囷紝涔熺О涓哄彂璧瘋澶囷紙涓昏澶囷級錛屽湪鏁翠釜閫氫俊榪囩▼涓彁渚涘皠棰戝満(RF-field)銆傚畠鍙互閫夋嫨106 kbps銆?12 kbps鎴?24 kbps鍏朵腑涓縐嶄紶杈撻熷害錛屽皢鏁版嵁鍙戦佸埌鍙︿竴鍙拌澶囥傚彟涓鍙拌澶囩О涓虹洰鏍囪澶囷紙浠庤澶囷級錛屼笉蹇呬駭鐢熷皠棰戝満錛岃屼嬌鐢ㄨ礋杞借皟鍒?load modulation)鎶鏈紝浠ョ浉鍚岀殑閫熷害灝嗘暟鎹紶鍥炲彂璧瘋澶囥傝屽湪涓誨姩妯″紡涓嬶紝鍙戣搗璁懼鍜岀洰鏍囪澶囬兘瑕佷駭鐢熻嚜宸辯殑灝勯鍦猴紝浠ヨ繘琛岄氫俊銆俆he principle is very simple, it can exchange data through active and passive modes. In the passive mode, the device that initiates the near-field communication, also known as the initiating device ( master device ), provides a radio frequency field ( RF-field ) throughout the communication process. It can choose one of 106 kbps, 212 kbps or 424 kbps to send data to another device. The other device is called a target device ( slave device ). Instead of generating a radio frequency field, it uses load modulation technology to transmit data back to the originating device at the same speed. In the active mode, both the initiating device and the target device need to generate their own RF fields for communication.
RFID,鏄嫳鏂嘡adio Frequency Identification鐨勭緝鍐欙紝鍗沖皠棰戣瘑鍒紝鍙堢О鏃犵嚎灝勯璇嗗埆錛屾槸涓縐嶉氫俊鎶鏈紝鍙互閫氳繃鏃犵嚎鐢?shù)璁彲偗嗗埆鐗瑰畾鐩爣迤堣d啓鐩稿叧鏁版嵁錛岃屾棤闇璇嗗埆緋葷粺涓庣壒瀹氱洰鏍囦箣闂村緩绔嬫満姊版垨鑰呭厜瀛︽帴瑙︺俁FID is an abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification in English, namely radio frequency identification, also known as radio frequency identification, is a communication technology that can identify specific targets and read and write relevant data through radio signals without establishing mechanical or optical contact between the identification system and the specific targets.
鏃犵嚎鐢電殑淇″彿鏄氳繃璋冩垚鏃犵嚎鐢?shù)棰戠巼鐨勭旊姡佸満锛屾妸鏁版嵁浠庨檮鐫鍦ㄧ墿鍝佷笂鐨勬爣絳句笂浼犻佸嚭鍘伙紝浠ヨ嚜鍔ㄨ鯨璇嗕笌榪借釜璇ョ墿鍝併傛煇浜涙爣絳懼湪璇嗗埆鏃朵粠璇嗗埆鍣ㄥ彂鍑虹殑鐢電鍦轟腑灝卞彲浠ュ緱鍒拌兘閲忥紝騫朵笉闇瑕佺數(shù)姹狅紱涔熸湁鏍囩鏈韓鎷ユ湁鐢墊簮錛屽茍鍙互涓誨姩鍙戝嚭鏃犵嚎鐢墊嘗錛堣皟鎴愭棤綰跨數(shù)棰戠巼鐨勭數(shù)紓佸満錛夈傛爣絳懼寘鍚簡鐢?shù)瀛愬瓨鍌ㄧ殑淇℃伅锛屾暟绫充箣鍐呴兘鍙互璇嗗埆銆備笌鏉″艦鐮佷笉鍚岀殑鏄紝灝勯鏍囩涓嶉渶瑕佸鍦ㄨ瘑鍒櫒瑙嗙嚎涔嬪唴錛屼篃鍙互宓屽叆琚拷韙墿浣撲箣鍐呫俁adio signals transmit data from labels attached to articles through electromagnetic fields modulated into radio frequencies to automatically identify and track the articles. Some labels can get energy from the electromagnetic field emitted by the identifier during identification, and do not need batteries; There are also tags that have power and can actively emit radio waves ( electromagnetic fields tuned to radio frequencies ). The tag contains electronically stored information that can be recognized within a few meters. Unlike bar codes, RF tags do not need to be in sight of the identifier, but can also be embedded in the tracked object.
浠庢煇縐嶆剰涔夋潵璇達紝RFID綾諱技浜庢潯鐮佹壂鎻忥紝瀵逛簬鏉$爜鎶鏈岃█錛屽畠鏄皢宸茬紪鐮佺殑鏉″艦鐮侀檮鐫浜庣洰鏍囩墿騫朵嬌鐢ㄤ笓鐢ㄧ殑鎵弿璇誨啓鍣ㄥ埄鐢ㄥ厜淇″彿灝嗕俊鎭敱鏉″艦紓佷紶閫佸埌鎵弿璇誨啓鍣紱鑰孯FID鍒欎嬌鐢ㄤ笓鐢ㄧ殑RFID璇誨啓鍣ㄥ強涓撻棬鐨勫彲闄勭潃浜庣洰鏍囩墿鐨凴FID鏍囩錛屽埄鐢ㄩ鐜囦俊鍙峰皢淇℃伅鐢盧FID鏍囩浼犻佽嚦RFID璇誨啓鍣ㄣ侷n a sense, RFID is similar to barcode scanning. For barcode technology, it attaches the encoded barcode to the target and uses a special scanning reader-writer to transmit information from the bar magnet to the scanning reader-writer using optical signals. While RFID uses a special RFID reader-writer and a special RFID tag that can be attached to the target, and uses frequency signals to transmit information from the RFID tag to the RFID reader - writer.
絀轟腑鎺ュ彛閫氫俊鍗忚瑙勮寖 璇誨啓鍣ㄤ笌鐢?shù)瀛愭爣绛句箣闂翠俊鎭氦浜掑Q岀洰鐨勬槸涓?涓嶅悓鍘傚鐢熶駭璁懼涔嬮棿鐨勪簰鑱斾簰閫氭с侷SO/IEC鍒跺畾浜旂棰戞鐨勭┖涓帴鍙e崗璁紝榪欑鎬濇兂鍏呭垎浣撶幇 鏍囧噯緇熶竴鐨勭浉瀵規(guī)э紝涓涓爣鍑嗘槸瀵圭浉褰撳箍娉涚殑搴旂敤緋葷粺鐨勫叡鍚岄渶姹傦紝浣嗕笉鏄墍鏈夊簲鐢ㄧ郴緇熺殑闇姹傦紝涓緇勬爣鍑嗗彲浠ユ弧瓚蟲洿澶ц寖鍥寸殑搴旂敤闇姹傘俆he air interface communication protocol regulates the information interaction between the reader and the electronic tag, aiming at the interoperability between equipment produced by different manufacturers. ISO/IEC formulates air interface protocols for five frequency bands. This idea fully reflects the relativity of unified standards. One standard is the common demand for a fairly wide range of application systems, but it is not the demand for all application systems. A set of standards can meet the needs of a wider range of applications
SO/IEC 18000-1
ISO/IEC 18000-2閫傜敤浜庝腑棰?25锝?34KHz錛?/span>
ISO/IEC 18000-3閫傜敤浜庨珮棰戞13.56MHz;
ISO/IEC 18000-4閫傜敤浜庡井娉㈡2.45GHz;
ISO/IEC 18000-6閫傜敤浜庡井娉㈡860锝?60MHz;
ISO/IEC 18000-7閫傜敤浜庤秴楂橀孌?33.92 MHz錛屽睘浜庢湁婧愮數(shù)瀛愭爣絳俱?/span>